This week was a different sort of week for us. We did a bit of homeschooling on the go but mostly we just waited. We were there just in case. And available if there was a need. Deep down I wasn't sure if it would be worse to not be there when something happened or to be there when nothing was happening.
You see my sister was living next door to my parents until just a few weeks ago. She was the one with the "if anything happens" instructions. But her husband and she recently bought a house. They have been very busy getting it set up not just for their own family but also for our parents. So the house next door has been empty.
On the Saturday before Easter my dad had a rough day, After 2 years dealing with cancer and all the different side affects he no longer seemed like he would always be around. I didn't know what to do or how to feel but I didn't want my mom to have to deal with anything by herself.
So my little family loaded up sleeping bags, camp food, and board games to stay next door to Grandma, just in case. They played mouse trap for the first time. We stayed up late watching a movie. And we prayed. Prayed for eternal healing and for peace.
This morning I was glad I was over there, that I could slip on shoes and run across the yard so mom wouldn't have to be alone. "He's gone," is what my mom told me on the phone and that is how we see it. He is no longer here, he has gone to be with Jesus.
I wish I could think of something profound to say about how much he will be missed (which is a lot,) or at least something funny (he would appreciate that) but instead I just keep thinking how glad I am to know Jesus and how happy I will be to see my dad again someday.
In my life this week…
I want my spring break back! This week seemed overly busy and underly productive.
In our homeschool this week…
I took a few days off schooling to get everything else taken care of but managed to sneak in a few half days and one very full day. We ever had a craft, making a menorah out of pipe cleaners for Rebecca, American Girl of 1914.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Somedays kids will spend all day on the same worksheet, no matter what rewards are offered or threats are made. Those days are usually followed by a day when the same child will hurry through the same worksheet with no problems. That is OK. If the same problem keeps happening you might want to readjust your curriculum but just every once in a while isn't worth stressing about.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Last week we had a birthday party for cousin Odin, four is a cute age. We visited a fire station, with Girl Scouts so the girls got nifty badges. We went to dance class, and AWANA. We've spent time over at my parents and helped a little with my sister moving. And today My husband took my girls to an Easter Egg hunt.
What’s working/not working for us…
The writing/grammar program I've been using isn't getting used. Somehow it is getting skipped more than everything else. I'm hoping to correct this myself by printing more pages out ahead of time. I keep forgetting they need printed out until it is time for us to go and they keep not getting printed at all.
Questions/thoughts I have…
I love how school curriculum has worked out for us this year and am planning to just keep doing what we're doing next year. That worries me, can I have really got this figured out?
I’m reading…
Me, Myself and Bob by Phil Vischer. I'm a huge fan. I loved VeggiTales. I bought anything Big Idea produced. I decorated the nursery in Veggies. My daughters first word was "Bob." And I am super excited about Jelly Telly (If you have not been to that site go now, it's wonderful.) I love the "What's in the Bible" series . So I don't know why it took me so long to read Phil's book. This book has been inspiring. It reminded me of the need of prayer for people in authority. Wether they are leaders at church, business owners, or making children videos, those people need prayer as much as our over sea missionaries need it (which is a lot.)
I’m grateful for…
My littlest sister who is making Easter dinner for the first time ever. She invited us over to my mom's with her (and I'm sure it wasn't just so we would give her a ride.)
I’m praying for…
My dad and the victory we have in Jesus. Death will have no victory and the grave is not our final resting place.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
She says she liked climbing up on the fire truck but this was the closest she would come to smiling.