Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"Insta"-replay #85, family camping!

Last week was a much overdue vacation!  We managed to get away from everything and just relax (well maybe not just relax)!

The week started out with a huge change for my younger daughter.  12 inches were cut off and donated to locks of love.  She was a bit nervous but very proud of herself.  The shorter hair was appreciated in the current heat wave.
Next we were off to camp.  Merry was the only child for the first night.  She made do with her dolls since there was no one else to play with.
Soon enought there were cousins and sister to play with.  They rarely stayed still long enough for a photo.
A highlight for me was teaching my girls to play chess, and realizing that they might be good at it!
Sight seeing as a family was great fun too.  We explored lava tubes with the extended family.
Hiked around a cinder cone, the veiw was amazing.
And spent an entire day learning at the High Desert Museum.

After all that "relaxing" I may need another vacation.  Seriously though it was a great week spent with my inlaws!

Monday, July 13, 2015

"Insta"-replay #84, out and about

Summer is in full swing but last week was more of a calm before the storm.  I caught up on reading, kids played with blocks, DSes were on often.  Since this week will be go, go, go, last weeks break was nice.

We didn't just sit around the house though.
We went to a dollar movie at the local theater.  Saw Paddington Bear which was much better than expected.  It was funny and heart touching.  As an added bonus Merry had just finish reading the book it was based on.
I also took the girls along as I walked down memory lane, sharing one of my favorite childhood traditions.  Growing up our car didn't have air conditioning so if you went grocery shopping with mom it meant a half hour ride in the hot car, it also meant icecream to eat on the ride back.
And we had a great "right place at the right time" experience.  Walked into the mall and were told, "free stuffed animals to the first 50 people down stairs."  Merry especially loves stuffed animals and I especially love free stuff!

We had a great week but now to the go, go, go!

Monday, July 6, 2015

"Insta"-replay #83, ya-hey, what about the heat!

Oregon is known for many things, hot dry summers is not one of them.  Yet that is what we've been having.
As a result we've been spending more time out and about enjoying air conditioning and iced coffee.
After a lot of cleaning we finally got the house ready to bug bomb, that was an ordeal!
We spent some time at the local Children's museum.  Having the membership makes it easy to just stop by for a little bit.
Of corse my favorite part of the last few weeks was a road trip to California!
We went down to see old school mates, mostly because those old friends are also my current friends and family! 
Even though it was even warmer down there we managed to have fun and stay cool.
Last weekend was of corse 4th of July we enjoyed a small town celebration complete with a parade.
Them watched the fireworks from afar.

Summer is half over!  Hope you are staying cool and having fun.