Monday, January 23, 2017

"Insta"-replay, what about me?

I realize I normally focus on what my kids do during our busy weeks, so much so you may think all I do is drive them around.  That is only mostly true.

I spend a good deal of my free time working on my school.  I really like being a student.  So while deadlines are stressful the classes are fun.

I also take a clogging class each week.  It gets me up and moving as well as stretches me as a person.

I try to get coffee with my mom pretty regularly. Partly because I like coffee but mostly because I like hanging out with my mom!

So those are the "me" activities, that I do along with the mom activities each week.

Monday, January 16, 2017

"Insta"-replay, still winter

Last week was part back to normal, part crazy winter weather again!

This week Charry also clogged with us, Aunt Katie was surrounded by little distractions but managed to pay attention during class.  It was quite impressive.

Merry finished her Life of Fred Fractions book! She was pretty excited to move on to decimals, and to keep reading about Fred's adventures.

We've been taking advantage of canceled events by spending family time.  It's been a week of board games!

We even played board games over at my inlaws!

It's been a great week, but I'll be glad when the weather warms up and we spend a little less time at home!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

"Insta"-replay, it's a new year.

Time to get back to my weekly updates! (Assuming my new app can handle it.)

Welcome to the New Year! 

Our year started with second Christmas! When we received fabulous gifts from the family we had slighted during actual Christmas. 

I spent quality time with my kids, as we quickly headed from one after school activity to another.

We had a full week of school, well mostly full.  Monday was a half day for us.

And the weather has been unbelievably cold! I decided if winter was determined to last this long then so would Christmas! Okay, I'll probably take the tree down this week, probably.

So that was our week in a nutshell.  Next week I'm back in school, so life never slows down! Which is a good thing!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

8th grade curriculum mid year review

I never got around to sharing my 8th grade plans this year, and now the year is half over!  Luckily there haven't been any big changes and now I can tell how well it is working for us, spoiler alert: it's working well.

All Charry's books fit in a plastic file box from target's college dorm collection. Each subject has its own hanging file to keep things separate. This also helps to keep her many spiral notebooks with the correct texts.

She also has a weekly planner with the basic schedule for each day while I have a massive daily planner with lesson details.

Her desk is her own space and, as long as she has a clear spot to work, I've let her keep it as she wants.  I only sometimes regret this or wish it wasn't in my living room.

We are still using Apologia, this year is Physical Science.  I very strongly recommend using the notebook from Apologia.  While it is not necessary, it is helpful.  And at the beginning is a daily schedule where lessons are all broken down for you, this was a huge time saver for me.

The other time saver that I wish I would take advantage of is the list of supplies needed for each chapter's experiments. Getting those ahead of time would save me many last minute trips to the store, and we would probably complete more of the labs.

History is a joint subject with little sister. We are using America the Beautiful by Nottgrass.  The more we use it the better I like it.  Now I don't use the Bible lesson, writing or extra literature portions.  Instead I am supplementing with my own choices of period novels, mostly those I was forced to read in middle school.

Life of Fred, Beginning Algebra.  This is a big year for us.  Algebra is the first highschool math course and an understanding of it is pretty vital to understanding the rest of mathematics.  We are once again relying on Fred to explain the basics in a way that makes sense.  

I bought the book of extra problems also but we haven't used it much yet.  As the material gets more complicated I'm seeing where it will be useful.

I just applied for the National Latin Exam! This will be her second year taking it and I'm excited to see how she does.

We are using Latin Alive book 2 this year.  The biggest struggle is that she does much better when she worked with me rather than on her own.  So on days we were pressed for time this was the subject that got neglected. As a result we were a bit behind when Christmas break started so she had school during the holiday.  Now we are back on track and going at a slower pace again.  And she is realizing that if she doesn't get things done during school she still has to do them.

This subject is a bit of a hodgepodge for us.  She is using Writing Strands for writing, I had planned on also doing poetry but that hasn't happened. She is also doing sentence diagramming from an online resource I found.  Sentence diagramming really has helped with her grammar.

We aren't doing any formal literature, but as I mentioned above, she is reading classics from the library.  

A big change at the start of the year was grading.  In the past when something was wrong she had to keep fixing it until it was correct.  Last year I found out this was giving her the mistaken impression that she wasn't doing very well.  So this year I am recording her grades before she fixes things (she still has to fix things) so she can tell how she is doing.  I'm also keeping a grade book so she can see how doing weekly assignments can boost her grade even if she does poorly on a test.  And I've given her a few opportunities for extra credit.  This is helping me as a teacher and her as a student.

So the year is going great!  Plans are working well, so now it's time to start planning next year.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Insta-replay: fast forward

So what have we been up to for the past few months?

I flew to Wisconsin with my grandma. It was fun to see where she grew up.

I saw my grandpa while I was there, second time meeting him.

We've continued to clog, and we must make it look fun because my sister in law joined the class too.
Charry turned 13, so now I have a teenager for a daughter!

We got some snow, a rare event out here.

And we've managed 3 different trips to see family in Idaho!

So our year ended busily! And now you are all caught up!