Friday, June 29, 2018

“Insta”-replay: June, a little of everything

The second half of the month flew by, I’ve been mostly focused on my school, with midterms and all.  But we’ve managed to squeeze in some family fun.

Tennis continues to be the thing we are all equally bad at.  But it’s fun to learn together as a family.

Girls had their end of year recital.  I enjoyed being a class mom and just hanging out with Merry.

Both girls continue to love dance and are already looking forward to next year!

We tried some Japanese sodas with glass marble stoppers. Neither child is a big fan of carbonated beverages but the novelty made them worth it.

Merry had a project idea, to make a niffler habitat.  She learned about paper mache, sculpting clay, and hot glueing. 

Her finished project was so cute, I convinced her to let it stay if the front room, at least for a while.

So that’s how we began our official summer. Hope you are enjoying time for relaxing and creating!

Friday, June 15, 2018

“Insta”-replay: a good start to the summer

We have reached the halfway point in June, 

We started the month, and our summer, with a road trip with Grandma! It was a quick trip but we managed to squeeze in lots of fun.

Kezi and I had fun taking pictures.  I was the mean aunt who told her she should eat her hamburger but she didn’t mind, or listen.

We saw the cousins dance.  It was the highlight of our trip!

After we returned from the trip we reinstated family game night.  Nerts is harder to teach when the kids didn’t know how to play solitaire.  So they learned two new games.

I’m taking summer classes, so I’ve been working on finding a nice quiet place to study.  I ended up clearing my vanity, which works great!

In our attempt to stay active and take advantage of being in town we are kinda learning tennis.  Right now most of our knowledge is coming from you tube videos.

And Charry is still finishing up school! She has one more test, which she’ll take later today, and then she’ll be done until next year!

The next few weeks should be busy ones for us, full of fun summer activities!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

“Insta”-replay- so May, that was a thing

Somehow May came and went without a blog post... It’s almost like I was so busy finishing up the school year that I ignored the internet.  We did stuff, I took pictures, and now (a bit late) I will share them. But in reverse order (because I uploaded them wrong and I don’t want to take the time to re-upload, sorry)

Merry finished school just as the month was finishing.  I think she was eager to get to summer break!

End of year recital is coming! I’m excited to see my girls dance!

May had some beautiful sunny spring days.  So I made the girls play outside, they quickly found the shade.

We are trying take advantage of community events, like the firemen’s pancake feed.

And we are exploring the community a bit more, like visiting the historic Brown house, which happens to be across the street from us.

Robert and Mearen were in town for a weekend so we enjoyed a little time with the little cousin.

Big events in May included: Engineering Day at OSU.  I had to navigate the campus with out Jon’s help since he had work.  Luckily there was a map online and most buildings were clearly labeled.

Mother’s Day was another big event. Nothing says I’m a mom like buying myself an American Girl doll that I have wanted since I was 10.

And of course the biggest event, May the fourth! It was extra fun to have Toby and Odin visiting and to be able to go to the event at our local library!

So that was May, I hope the month was fun for you all as well.