It’s that time again, I finally have all the materials I need to start the school year! And since we got our last package less than a week before we are planning to start, I may have cut it a bit close this year. But huzzah, the carts are all loaded up and we are ready!
Now I am sure you are all very curious about our plans for the year. Here is a basic break down of each girls class load:
Merry will be in eighth grade and has three classes which will give her highschool credit.
Math, Life of Fred Advanced Algebra
Latin, Latin Alive Book 2
Science, Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physical Science (this year I bought lab kits to insure we are able to do all the labs)
Her other three subjects will be at grade level
History, Oregon History (most area school teach state history in elementary but I think waiting gives a chance for her to understand some of the political aspects of our history, and the only text book I could find was for middle school so I waited to use that.)
English, which will include both Lightning Literature grade 8 as well as Life of Fred’s Language Arts series.
Health, this is our first year doing a formal health class and Merry’s will be a hodgepodge. We will start with “Girling Up” then go through Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology, and finish using the FDA’s “my plate” unit from online.
Charry’s curriculum is a mix of old favorites and new adventures.
Three of her classes will just be the next level up from last year.
Math, Life of Fred Trigonometry
Science, Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physics
History, Notgrass’ Exploring America
The other four will be new although I’m familiar with most of the publishers.
Health, Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition
Literature, Lightning Literature American Literature Early-Mid 19th Century and Lightning Literature American Literature Mid-Late 19th Century
Writing, the One Year Adventure Novel (both girls have done the one year magazine and Charry picked this as one of her two electives this year)
Economics, (Charry’s second elective) this class will be a bit of a hodgepodge. We will start with Money Matters for Teen which should give basics life writing checks and balancing a budget, then Economic Comics, finishing the year with Life of Fred Financial Choices.
Besides their individual classes we will be doing morning time again this year. I really enjoyed daily picture books last year so those will be back, although this year the girls will be reading out loud as well. Morning time will also be including math vocabulary, work roots, maps, sentence diagraming, and flash cards, but not all on the same day.
So there you have it a quick look at our plans for next year. I’m excited!