Wednesday, January 16, 2019

"Insta"-replay: A good way to start the year!

Happy New Year! We are off to a good start, enjoying the new year.

 The girls stayed up until midnight to toast the new year with us.  A first for them, and to be honest it has been a while since Jon And I actually stayed up until midnight either.

We started a new theme for daily picture books, STEM books.  It was interesting to see which books promoted science and which simply featured characters who liked science.   

 Merry has started factoring in Math, it's the area of Algebra which I really loved.  I'm hopeful that she will enjoy it as well, or at least not dislike it as much as her sister did.

Charry is starting the year strong as well, I'm trying to work a little more with her, having her do Latin translations on the white board rather than just checking her notebook later.

 Proud mom post: Charry got to set up the new display at the library, they let her pick out some of the books and arrange them on the cart.

 We aren't spending all our time at schooling.  We are also enjoying treats with Grandma Kelly.

 Family game nights, where we try out some of the new games we got for Christmas.

 And movies! We've already seen one as a family.
And one as a date night!

So we are off to a good start, having fun, and being productive!

Friday, January 4, 2019

New Year resolutions

This year I am resolving to start back to schooling strong! Although looking at the school supplies I’m not sure how well I am keeping that resolution.

As you can see it is a bit discombobulated. But the school room is on my list to clean tomorrow, so maybe.

One part of school that has been going well is our group time.  Since Charry and Merry have no classes together we try to have a small group time where they have to take turns sharing ideas and listen to what the other is saying.  I’m hoping it will help them communicate with other people.

The main part of group time is a picture book, which leads to discussions of literary concepts, art styles, or social issues.  We started with just some of our favorites, then spent November reading biographies, December was Christmas books, and now we are reading STEM books.

I’ve also figured out how to put books on hold from my phone app, which kind of goes with the month’s theme.

Along with the books, we also do flash cards and make charts, maps, or diagrams. I find working on something together can help to make information stick.

Happy New Years!