Monday, February 4, 2019

“Insta”-replay, winter can’t last forever

Winter can’t last forever, right? We just had groundhogs day and punxsutawney phil promised spring would be early!
In the mean time here is a look at our last of winter fun.

I started decorating for valentines, but still need to undecorate Christmas.

We had a fun movie day with Aunt Coral!

Spiderverse was a great film, I recommend it for children of all ages.

We had some fun science experiments. Any excuse to use the phone microscope, is a good excuse.

Merry’s started doing school curled up on the couch, usually in a blanket.

And we got a dusting of snow! More is actually in the forecast, although I’m not convinced.

January seemed to drag on for a long time.  But now February is finally starting! And with crazy weather (and a few exciting events scheduled) it looks like this month will be a memorable one!