Our schedule is exhausting right now, although I know we just need to get into the swing of things.
We’ve been doing stretches and strengthening in the mornings before breakfast. A good start for our days and a way to wake ourselves up.
Merry likes to do school with me so most of her subjects include reading out loud (and showing me the pictures.)
Charry prefers to work alone but to make sure she is staying on track we have a review/summarize time after each lesson.
Latin is my favorite but not my kid’s. Merry is doing alright but it is taking longer than I had hoped to get through each lesson.
We are making an effort to do every experiment this year, I bought the kits so there would be no excuse not to do them, and they are the girls’ favorite part of science.
Charry is hard to get a picture of. She enjoys finding cozy places to hunker down and do her school.
After school activities have started. Clogging is the only one I have a picture of. Unfortunately dance goes until 9 most nights, which is our main reason for being tired. But we’ll adjust soon.
And three weeks in, we are staying on schedule in all the classes. So I’m happy. (I’m also happy we have a mini vacation next week, yay school break!)