Thursday, May 26, 2011

Solar System Part 1

Charry and I finally wrapped up her unit on space. It was suppose to be 2 weeks but I stretched it to 4 because we were having so much fun. For the first week it was typical science lessons. She read from the text book and filled out worksheets. Then I managed to get a little creative. We used a few other books.
Using "The Magic School Bus" to find examples Charry was able to write some very nice reports on different aspects of the solar system.
I also managed to use other multimedia tools. Including movies, websites and the ever so popular i-pod.
Once I started looking for resources it was amazing how easy they were to find. My favorites were Jelly Telly (adorable Christian children web site with surprisingly concrete science facts)
and my i-pod apps, because she could use them in the car or where ever we ended up for the day.

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