Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Starting school, again or "My home made worksheets"

So my lucky little girls got to start Christmas break right after Thanksgiving.  I was in a bit of a funk and needed the break way more than they did.  But now Christmas is over, I'm over my funk (or at least not as deeply in it) and thanks to the flexibility of homeschooling since we are ready to start schooling, we are. 
 Nothing says, "Wow I haven't made you guys do this for a while." like eager little girls, sitting side by side at the table, working on worksheets without a single argument.  Thats right neither of them tried to get out of work and neither of them fought with the other.  I have to say it didn't hardly feel like school.
We aren't quite to the regular routine quite yet.  Instead both girls worked on their  Math Wrap-ups, wrote thank you notes and had a pile of home made worksheets.
  The worksheets had a variety of activities from cutting and gluing to tracing and measuring.  As the creator of said worksheets I was proud of myself.
This one was my favorite, I really liked how my camel turned out.

Now I am off to reorganize school supplies, check which books we need to review, and other teacher sort of things.

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