Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Seuss Week, Day 3

On Wednesdays I only watch one of my nephews, and I watch him at my house.  So I don't worry as much about what trouble he might be getting into, or what messes my Merry might be making.  I just let them play with legos in the other room while I work with my older daughter.

And work I did.  Charry made her first typed report.  I had her type the title, then I typed while she dictated.  She learned about templates and finding images online.  I learned to grit my teeth and type what she said.  That was hard.  We both decided she would start learning to type soon.

Seussness was limited to Merry reading the books we had done yesterday to Toby so he could make plates for his bookworm.

At the end of the day we watched another "Wubbulus World of Dr. Seuss"

I had worksheet to add to the fun but they didn't print right so I left them out.  All in all it was a good middle of the week day.  And I had a chance to make plans for extra Seuss fun on Friday.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dr Seuss Week, Day Two

So today I had a poor sick child so we were stuck at home, my grand plans of going to the Library were thwarted.  But she wasn't off the hook completely from school.  We've had a few too many days off around here so today I made her sit up and do some work.

Not only did I make her do school but I also made her have some Seuss fun.  Since there were no cousins around the girls were on there own for reading.  Luckily I have two copies of The Foot Book, so they didn't have to share.
 No cousins also meant no markers for their bookworm plates (the ones we started yesterday).  Instead I found some oil pastels that showed up a little better than crayon.

After two books and their corresponding plates Charry was ready to just lay down.  "Sick days are movie days," is our motto so  keeping with the Seuss theme we watched the Wubbulus World of Dr Seuss.

If you haven't seen Jim Henson's companies version of Seuss you should.  The puppetry is well done, the stories more than slightly silly, the characters lovable, and, if you find them on the sale rack at Target, the price really good.

All in all today was less exciting than I had hoped but that was for the best.  Fingers crossed tomorrow will be more Seussical.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Seuss Week, Day 1

Dr. Seuss' birthday is comimng up on March 2nd.  We decided to celebrate all week long.  It was such a fun day that I decided not to wait for the end of the week to share everything we are doing.

Thanks to "Pintrest" I found tons of great ideas and free printables.  I also had a few ideas that were all my own.  Our Seussic Bookworms are my own invention.

First we looked at Seuss drawings for inspiration.
 Then we started our worm heads.
 I tried to encourage them to use lots of colors and fill all the space.
 Here they are with their finished heads.
 Next we sat down to read Dr Seuss books.
 I did the reading and they did the listening.
 For the worms body they decorated plates to illustrated to books.  Like a round picture book report.
 They used the book for ideas and because they wanted their pictures "just right."
 I also had them label the plates with the name of the book.
 Here they are with their first book plates, "Green Eggs and Ham."
 The next book was "Go, Dog, Go."
 I found markers so the drawing would show better.
 I let them pick what in the book stood out the most.
 We attached the plates to each other using brads so the would fold up.
 At this point they were antsy to do something different so we worked on a print out I had originally seen on Pintrest.  It was a "All about Me" mini unit from TeachersPayTeacher.  The worksheets were a little advanced for my group (more grown up help required than most of the worksheets we do.)  They enjoyed doing them especially finding their weight using the Wii Fit.
 After that I called in reenforcement, Grandma Kelly read them a final book for the day.
 We drew our final report plates.
 And there you have them, Seuss book worms.
My hope is to add book plates all week.  Hope to beable to show off more later.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Merry Bitthday Little Miss Miss

Six is so old for such a tiny little person!  Yet that is in fact the age my little girl turned today.  I had grand plans that didn't get done, but last night I forced myself to finish her birthday outfit.
The "dress" is simply an embellished t-shirt.  I had fun going through buttons while I waited for my hubby to return from his midnight run to the local Walmart.  I'm not sure how I thought I would make the whole thing from felt but I'm glad I changed my mind.  The wooden leaf beads where a surprise find in with the buttons.  (I may have done a tired happy dance when I saw them.)
 I am SUPER proud of the shoes!  I just hot glued scraps of felt to an old pare of shoes and added cotton balls to the toes. (I have to admit after one day of wear the felt is loose and the cotton is all but gone)
In order to give her an actual themed birthday party I did a quick google search of "Tinkerbell printables"  That's how I found this paper fairy play set at "Family Fun."

I also used the fairies to make a small banner, just to make is a little more festive.
 I also found "Tinkerbell stickers"  which I glued to toothpicks for our cupcakes.  I hope that kept them from looking too valentinsy.

Merry seemed happy with everything, she didn't care that it was a bit last minute.  She was very eager for presents.

 Being 6 meant cooler presents than ever before, including a fashion teacup pig, perfect for a little fashionista.
 Her bear also got  a birthday present, T-shirt and cupcake to match Cousin Toby's.
 O.K. I just think this picture is cute and I 'm showing off that she reads EVERYTHING even shirts on bears.
 She shared a cake with her aunt which is why there are so many candles.
 Her favorite gift was a "girls" lego set, Thank-you Uncle BJ and Aunt Rachel.  With only a little coaching from her dad, Merry put it together herself.  
 So there you have it. I now have a six year old running around, but she's a cute one so I think we will let her stay six, for the year any ways.