Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dr Seuss Week, Day Two

So today I had a poor sick child so we were stuck at home, my grand plans of going to the Library were thwarted.  But she wasn't off the hook completely from school.  We've had a few too many days off around here so today I made her sit up and do some work.

Not only did I make her do school but I also made her have some Seuss fun.  Since there were no cousins around the girls were on there own for reading.  Luckily I have two copies of The Foot Book, so they didn't have to share.
 No cousins also meant no markers for their bookworm plates (the ones we started yesterday).  Instead I found some oil pastels that showed up a little better than crayon.

After two books and their corresponding plates Charry was ready to just lay down.  "Sick days are movie days," is our motto so  keeping with the Seuss theme we watched the Wubbulus World of Dr Seuss.

If you haven't seen Jim Henson's companies version of Seuss you should.  The puppetry is well done, the stories more than slightly silly, the characters lovable, and, if you find them on the sale rack at Target, the price really good.

All in all today was less exciting than I had hoped but that was for the best.  Fingers crossed tomorrow will be more Seussical.

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