Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fingerprint sunflowers

Today my mom came over with a pile of glass plates, her plan was to have the kids makes finger print sunflowers for dining room wall.  I watched in amazement as she patiently showed each one how to make a circle of brown finger tips first.
Then I remembered I had a camera and started clicking.  After the centers were dry she painted yellow on one finger for the kids to make petals. 
They started close to the center for short petals.
They continued making the petals all the way around the flower's center.  Grandma helped coach a bit so there were no large gaps.
In the end each flower was unique as the child who had made it!

I learned two things about displayable children's art.  Number 1: patients pays off, do not rush the child.  Number 2: one on one is the way to go, don't try to have everyone working at the same time.


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