Friday, October 10, 2014

"Insta"-replay #52, when I get a cold...

Last week started with a cold, sore throat, foggy brain, etc.  So we did less school than planned (i.e. none.)
We did still have all of our regular extra curriculars.  I did my best not to breath on people in the lobby at dance.
We had fun watching "What's in the Bible."
We went to the first Girl Scout meeting of the year (and I had their patches from last year on their vests!)
Piano class was fun, the door was left open just a crack so I could watch their fingers hard at work.
At co-op Merry gave her first speach. I wasn't sure what to expect (the rest of the family is a bit shy.). She was amazing!  I was so proud of her!
Being sick I accomplished less than my kids, but I did manage to play Pokemon quite a bit.
By the end of the week I was happily feeling better so my hubby and I took a small break and headed to a movie.

I hope this week is more productive, although it looks like I got lots done, just not school.

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