One week every year seems devoted entirely to dance! This year was no exception.
Every evening (except Friday) they got ready to spend more time sitting than dancing, as teachers worked on last minute staging and making sure students knew where and when to come on stage.
We managed some non-dancing fun too.
We hung out with Aunt Kim while she babysat the Ward cousins. Kids love cell phones.
We took our own turn babysitting, playing outside since inside was too warm.
When the weather got too hot we headed to a nice air conditioned play place.
We saw our other cousins too, played inside because allergies.
I managed to do one crafty project, an embroidered doll vest.
Then finally it was recital day! This year we were up and ready to go early so I even managed to get coffee before helping backstage.
After that week of "go, go, go" I'm glad for a week of rest!