Sunday, December 20, 2015

"Insta"-replay #101

Last week was a rush of last minute preparations! I think we are ready for the holidays, finally!

The week started off not as planned.  We had to take our cat to the vet.  Apparently she had managed to get in the fight during her time as an outdoor pet.  Girls are happy she'll be indoors for the rest of winter.

Thing improved when we went to Star Wars on opening night!  The movie is amazing, I can't wait to see it again!

Girl Scouts has given my girls many opportunities they would have missed out on.  Ice skating is one of those opportunities.  It was fun to watch the girls on the ice.  Merry even managed to skate a few laps without holding on to anything!

We ended the week listening to festive singing.  My mom and Bill are both carolers but this was the only time this year that we were able to hear them.  We picked a great event to come to! It included a story teller, sing along, Santa, and treat bags!

Christmas is coming soon so I hope it is a merry one!

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