Monday, January 4, 2016

"Insta"-replay #103, happy new year

So I think this will be my last weekly replay, I'm planning on continuing monthy instead.  I love keeping family updated and looking back at what we do but the weekly format is taking too much of my time.  

Last week was the last week of 2015!  The year went out with more of a fizzle than a bang.

The boys were over, enjoying winter break.  There were many board games and imaginative play all week long!

New Years itself was a quiet affair.  Our plans didn't work out so instead we had a doll party.  The girls were good sports with the last minute change and the night in wasn't so bad after all.

I plan to replay all of January on February 1st but here is a preview picture, getting ready for 12th night!  Another dolly celebration.

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