Sunday, July 2, 2017

"Insta"-replay: summertime

Hello Summer!  June is gone but the heat remains!

Merry bridged to Girl Scout Cadet, the junior high level.  She's still excited about the club and this year will be the only one where she and her sister are at the same level.

End of year recital is always an exciting, busy time.  They did beautifully! Every year I am amazed at how much they grow, as dancers and as people!

This was Merry's first spring recital without Toby dancing too.  I think I missed Kim the most! Not having my sister backstage with me meant I had to talk to other dance moms, which wasn't too bad I suppose.

Random find in the checkout line.  Jon likes to bemoan the fact that "kinder eggs" are illegal in America, so when I saw chocolate eggs with toys inside, I had to buy them.

June ended with temperatures in the upper 90s.  So thank you inlaws for sharing your pool!

Hope your summer is going well and that you are staying cool!

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