1. No more books at the table while we eat. I know reading is a good thing but I live in constant fear of ketchup getting on library books. Besides it’s nice to talk to family.
2. More trips to the library. We recently moved within walking distance of our library and so far have doubled our fines, oops. I need to go back to a set library time.
3. Grade tests in a timely manner. I blame a lot on the move but push comes to shove, I don’t like grading. Especially essay questions, still it would be better to get them done while my daughter remembers what she wrote.
4. More project based learning. My kids love doing projects and they get a lot out of them. But the extra time and set up is hard on teacher-Mom, so I put them off.
5. Read to my kids. So we are obviously a book family, but I think reading out loud is beneficial. Besides some classics are boring to read by yourself but fun as a family where we can mock them together.
So do you have any resolutions?
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