Tuesday, July 31, 2018

“Insta”-replay; Stayton is where it’s at in July

So earlier I shared the small town fun at the beginning of July, apparently Stayton likes to have small town fun at the end of July too.  Who knew?

They have a town wide Summerfest with lots to do and here are our highlights:

A car show, we looked at grownup sized cars too, but they weren’t as fun.

Lots of photo opts.  Charry was less than thrilled, at least I didn’t make her take a picture with Santa, who was there.

We took every free chance to win a prize and ended up with a myriad of cheap plastic toys.

We went on a scavenger hunt through the various local shops and discovered some treasures not on the list. Turns out Stayton has a lot of second hand stores, and I mean a lot!

And we saw Aunt Katie who was volunteering with a organization that feeds hungry children.

We then came home exhausted and sunburned.  But it was a fun morning.  It is still to hot to spend much time out doors but a big event was just what we needed to get out and stretch our legs.  And we found out a little more about this place we live.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Planning for next year: 2018-2019 School Plans

As most who know me can attest, I love planning and start planning way early.  But It does tend to take me a long time to work out all the details.  For example, I picked out all my curriculum for this coming year back during spring break but still don't have all my plans hashed out.

I thought it might be fun to take a trip down memory lane and look at how I handle planning and how those plans have evolved over the years.

Even when Charry was just entering Kindergarten, when I first started this blog, I prepared for the entire year ahead of time.  Of course that was simply picking a theme to go with the letter of the week and jotting down a few activities and web sites to go with that theme. I still have the binder with my weekly plans all neatly printed out.

For the grade school years my plans were more weekly goals than detailed lists.  Rather that specifying page numbers and assignments I simply planned which books we needed to work on each day.  For example we had daily workbooks which I scheduled for every day but science we only did three times a week, since there were fewer lessons.  I still divided up the books and compared the number of lessons with the number of days I wanted to do school, but I didn't necessarily write each lesson down, just "science today" or "finish unit."

As the girls got older the curriculums became more intense.  Each year  I seemed to add a subject that needed not only done each day, but needed specific things done so that we could finish during the year.  The first of these was Latin.  This was also the year I started giving the girls planners so they knew what they would be doing, although I think my motivation was more purchasing these really cute planners.

With Junior High I found I was the one in need of detailed plans since Charry was working independently on so many subjects.  Keeping track of what unit she was in for quizzes was much harder that simply asking questions about what she was learning.  So my plans changed again, this time she had a simple checklist of subjects to do and I kept a master list of what assignments needed done. So even though I had a master plan for the year, she still got just a general schedule for the week.

With High School we are changing things up again.  Charry likes to know how she is doing and what she will be doing.  If she has an experiment or test next week she wants to know ahead of time.  So I'm working on making an assignment list for her. This helps her know when she's gotten behind, some subjects are easier to put off than other.  It also gives her an idea of what she can do to catch up, i.e. which assignments she can double up on. 

So my planning has remained pretty consistent, I start early and strong.  If  I only plan for half the year, only half the year gets planned (that has happened twice), so I do the entire year at once. If a subject doesn't need broken up by me I just plan to do as many lessons as it has.  I spend most of my energy on the subjects I have divide up.  And until recently, my plans were just for me, the kids had just checklists (which I love).


Sunday, July 8, 2018

“Insta”-replay: Small town 4th

Happy July, a rare weekly update!  Without school taking up our time we’ve been busy!

Charry was feeling crafty after her sister’s niffler project so she found a few pet rocks, and found paint without me realizing it.  One minute she’s asking about looking outside for rocks, the next said rocks are staring at me. At least they have friendly stares.

We may be a little obsessed with the Animal Crossing phone app. First a fishing tournament and now a gardening challenge, it’s like being outside with out interacting with people.  

One of the things I was excited about when we decided to move into a town was small town event, and in Stayton, Fourth of July is a big deal.  Girls were looking very patriotic, especially Merry with her giant bow.  

One small town tradition is the annual parade, even before moving here we always came for the parade.  So we have a few favorite floats, like snoopy flying the postal plane.

Another tradition we enjoyed even before moving is the fireworks. We sat on blankets at the local highschool.  Along with friends, family, and most of the town.

The display was awesome this year! I was surprised by how long it went.  And there were a few types of fireworks I hadn’t seen before.

We finished the week with a family movie night! 

The month has started well! Yay summer.