Tuesday, July 31, 2018

“Insta”-replay; Stayton is where it’s at in July

So earlier I shared the small town fun at the beginning of July, apparently Stayton likes to have small town fun at the end of July too.  Who knew?

They have a town wide Summerfest with lots to do and here are our highlights:

A car show, we looked at grownup sized cars too, but they weren’t as fun.

Lots of photo opts.  Charry was less than thrilled, at least I didn’t make her take a picture with Santa, who was there.

We took every free chance to win a prize and ended up with a myriad of cheap plastic toys.

We went on a scavenger hunt through the various local shops and discovered some treasures not on the list. Turns out Stayton has a lot of second hand stores, and I mean a lot!

And we saw Aunt Katie who was volunteering with a organization that feeds hungry children.

We then came home exhausted and sunburned.  But it was a fun morning.  It is still to hot to spend much time out doors but a big event was just what we needed to get out and stretch our legs.  And we found out a little more about this place we live.

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