Monday, May 12, 2014

"Insta"-replay #26, happy birthday Aunt Katie

My sister-in-law Katie has really grown on me over the years.  When I first met her I was skeptical, we had very little in common.  But now I consider her a friend and would gladly hangout with her even if I didn't have to.

This weekend was her 30th birthday and I was happy to help her party.

The week was pretty normal leading up the big weekend.
We made cute bento dinners for the kids on dance day.
Merry was tired enough to sleep through wake up call.  So I let her sleep in a bit.
We're working on wrapping up our school year.  I'm much better at starting than finishing.  Eventually I'll just call it good for the year.

Prepping for Katie's party was a family affair.
Decorations were colorful and fun.  I enjoyed helping set up.
Katie had fun, I think.  She loves getting her friends together and a party was a great reason to gather.

After the late night partying we had a relaxing Mother's Day, Chinese takeout so I didn't have to cook and What's in the Bible with Buck Denver.

I hope your week had fun and friends as well.

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