Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Insta"-replay #35, May Days!

I can't believe how fast the year is going! I love spring!
Besides just a great reason to redecorate spring inspires me to head outside and enjoy the sun.
In Oregon spring is still cool weather, and usually rain, so we have to dress accordingly.
But that didn't stop us from heading out to our local AgFest (I think it stands for agriculture festival, but that's hard to spell.)
The best part of the AgFest was watching my mom clog.  She's pretty amazing especially since she's only been taking the classes for about a year and a half!
I was also able to see my mom preform in another way, singing with the Festival Chorale.  This year my sisters are also a part of the choir.
Getting out of the house included a trip to the Gilbert House when my nephews had a day off school.
It's great to see the kids growing up and able to have fun together.
It's also great to see them playing together, teaching each other new games they've discovered.  Like the Pokemon card game.
The highlight of last week was AWANA awards night!  Merry finished her third and final Sparks book, earning the Sparkie Plaque.
Charry finished her third TNT book, earning a Challenge Trophy.  She's graduated from the church's program so we're not sure what next year will look like yet.
And the highlight for the girls was the AWANA store.  A chance to spend their hard earned AWANA bucks on awesome toys!

Happy spring!

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