Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Planning for next year: morning time

So over the years I’ve found various ways to work with both girls together.  We had calendar time, knuffle bunny adventures, we did combined science class, then history class.  I enjoyed every one of those! This year we are trying yet another together time; story time.

My plan is to read a picture book a day, focusing on the literature.  We’ll look at different art styles, different story telling devices, and different audiences books are written for.  My hope is to encourage my girls to look at all books not just novels and to enjoy literature even if it is written for a slightly younger audience (which not all picture books are.)

So here are the five I plan to start with (and why.)

Growing Strong Inside: because it was my favorite.  I received this book as a birthday present when I was three, and I still have it.  Some stories stay with us forever, this was one of those.

Grumpy Cat: Grumpy cat is a meme parents will laugh at, we bought it for my husband.  It’s funny to parents for different reasons than why it appeals to kids. But it is written with simplicity and humor for kids. 

Monster at the End of this Book: I learned a new term this week, “meta fiction”, that’s when an author talks to the reader making them a part of the story.  This is one of the classic examples.

Ubi Ferra Sunt: “Where the Wild Things Are” in Latin. Some stories are translated into lots of languages and read around the world.  So what makes a story easy to connect with and why do some inspire across languages.  The author’s story verses the author’s words.  Also I love Latin and this one is simple enough that we know all the vocabulary.

Dinotopia: I’ll be honest this story bores me.  But I love the pictures and the idea.  And it is a good example of a picture book that wasn’t written for young children but rather for kids their age.

So those are the first five with talking points.  I’m excited to see how this new start to school goes, and if it lasts the entire year!

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