Monday, April 21, 2014

"Insta"-replay #34, Easter fun

He is risen, he is risen indeed!

Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays so I love celebrating it with family and friends.

The week started off normal, playing while we wait for dance class.
Playing while we wait for sister to be done with her class.
Playing while we wait for AWANA, ok this was less usual.  We happened to get there half an hour early so there was extra time.
We had school all week.  I was thrilled to start our "Kirsten" unit and to get out my old paper doll.
Friday the festivities began with a trip north.
We had lunch with Papa and were surprised with Easter peep cupcakes.
The next day we went to a church Easter egg hunt.  Face painting was a huge hit.
Some of the eggs were easy to find, other took some searching.
Easter Sunday we had sunrise service, at not quite sunrise.
The girls had Easter sandles (they were excited because of the heals.)
We had a great time at my mom's.  Gaming with family!
The girls also got Easter baskets so the fun and excitement will last for a while more.

After all that holiday fun, celebration with good food and late nights I'm ready to sleep in for a few days.  Maybe another mini spring break is in order.

Monday, April 14, 2014

"Insta"-replay #33, sunny days

This week has crawled by slowly!
Charry tried to make her American Girl doll wear another dolls tutu.  I couldn't help but laugh, poor doll looked ridiculous but Charry seemed quite pleased with herself.
We spent some time outside enjoying the  sun.  My sister knows all the best parks in the area.
Had fun at a baby shower for my littlest niece, Kezi.  She was smiling all over the place, until I got out my camera.
My daughters work hard on taking the sermon notes each week.  This week I think it was a bit over their head.  At least she looked like she was taking notes.
The week ended with a picnic in the park.  

Next week is Easter!  So much to do!