Wednesday, March 20, 2019

“Insta”-replay, spring is coming!

So I have been remiss in both posting on my blog and picture taking in general.

But here is a snap shot of the last month or so:

We had dance observation week, which meant seeing how much my kids are improving, or trying to improve.

Ballet class is especially nice, since the teacher has the best music selection. A friend of hers plays the piano beautifully and does covers of pop songs as well as television show themes, like the “Cheers” song. I enjoy the music almost as much as I enjoy the dancing.

Ballet is also nice because it was the class Charry “let” me visit.

Besides dancing we also spent time going to movies, captain marvel was definitely a girls night out kind of movie!

Merry celebrated her birthday in teenage style, getting free drinks from Dutch Brothers.

I had nails long enough to paint for a while, sadly they are short again now, sigh.

We babysat for a friend, it was nice to have little kids around again.  It made me miss all the cousins!

And we continued to have crazy winter weather.  We never got a lot of snow but the snow we got spread itself out so it was starting to feel like winter would never end.

The weather is nice again today, maybe spring is finally here? If so it is just in time for spring break!