Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Insta"-replay #64, Happy January

January has been bustling!  I realized I skipped a week so here is an extra long replay.
Girls are very happy to have their room clean so they can play on their DSes.
School is going well, we moved the desks into the front room where it is warmer.
Dance class has stated up again, the girls were excited to see their friends.
We have been playing Mario kart and, thanks Uncle Bob, dressing as princesses with the help of our new amino.
Piano lessons are always a fun time.  Last week Aunt Rachel let them crest s large music staff as they talked about which keys each note represented.
Our cat decided it wasn't scared of us after all, I just hope it decides to catch mice soon!
Merry enjoyed playing with Papa, I think we all enjoyed his stuffed animal voice.
We finally went back to the library, it had been way too long!  Charry was especially glad to get some "light" reading, although it would have been lighter if she had found paperbacks.
The week finished with happy cavity free smiles after our dentist visit.

We have definitely been busy, and definitely enjoyed the busyness!

Monday, January 5, 2015

"Insta"-replay #63, Happy New Year

Happy New Years to you all!  2015 is starting out great!
The girls finally finished cleaning their room so watching DVDs is once again allowed.  
We celebrated the new year with brother's family.  Stayed up late and laughed lots!
Merry was quite pleased to have grandma help her with a craft project.  She made sure grandma followed the instructions! 
We had our first lunch at Target of the year!
We ended the winter break with a cat day for "mew" years.  Cat masks made from paper plates and doll cat ears made from pipe cleaners.

Now to get back into routines. I'm dragging my feet a little but I guess it's time.