Monday, January 27, 2014

"Insta"-replay #25, cousins are the best!

Last week had a definite theme to it: cousins!
We spent quiet time in the van, with a cousin, picking up a cousin.
We had a grand time creating all kinds of lego structures with our cousins.
And the highlight for my older daughter, she got to hold her newest cousin.

Having my extended family close makes me feel very blessed (of course it also makes me wish other cousins where close too.)

The entire week was not spent with cousins, we managed a family night out at our favorite place, Dairy Queen!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Whatchadoin?" #10, States and Capitals

I have always thought that having a good basic understanding of geography was a good thing.  Knowing which states were where and how the climate was different in those areas is helpful for understanding how people are.

But teaching it has proven to be a struggle.  We have used "Knuffle Bunny" for the last few years.  Allowing us to imagine traveling all over but I'm finding very little has stuck.  They know climates are different in different places but they don't remember which places are where.

So this year I am taking a more direct, memorization approach.  I have a set of State facts flash cards and matching maps from the dollar section at Target.  Instead of introducing all 50 states at once, we add 2 new states a week.  Also instead of learning any one section, I make sure the states are spread out.

So far this approach is working well.  The girls are learning where states are as well as their capitals.  Once we have gone through all the states I'm thinking of adding states trees or birds.  
Using the map and flash cards makes reviewing information pretty easy.  I keep the flash cards with me and quiz them on capitals throughout the day.  The maps get used as a play mat for dolls and Legos to travel to the states they know.

We are only half way through the states but already I am seeing greater retention than last year. 

"Insta"-replay #24, the week felt busier than it was

The week felt really busy but in the end it was a pretty normal week.
We start the week at dance class.  Charry made sure she had a book to keep her busy.
After class the boys hung out with us for a bit.  They put on quite the owl performance.  I had to muffle my laughter so they didn't know I was listening in.
It was a full week of school.  Complete with a Latin quiz.
The girl used the sidewalk outside of Girl Scouts as a makeshift hopscotch grid.
Thursday has turned in to pizza and "What's in the Bible" night.  We are watching an episode a week so we will be ready when the final DVD comes out.
The week had a nice quiet ending.  Cousins read books together.

It was a good week, the new year is going well for us.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Insta"-replay #23, Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  After a blogging break I am back eager to share the new year happening!
First Instgram of 2014, me and my hubby.  
The weather started out so nice, we even got half the yard raked (unfortunately it has been raining ever since.)
School is going once more, girls did a great job.  They even remembered most of what we were learning before the break.
Our first big outing last week was to the dentist.  Girls had happy smiles, I also was smiling: No Fillings!
Our second big outing was to a Cookie Rally. The girls may have enjoyed that one a bit more.  Cookie sales is my least favorite thing about Girl Scouts but I enjoy watching my normally shy kids go outside their comfort zones.
And another couple selfie, I think my hubby may already be tired of them.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Whatchadoin? #9- back to schooling

We had a nice long break for Christmas.  It was filled with family and fun!  Now we are back to the grindstone working hard to stay on schedule. 

The student planners have turned out to be a wise decision for us.  I like being able to track the girls separately.  Having two separate books also keeps them from comparing themselves to each other. 

I'm also discovering the usefulness of busy work.  Our daily routine starts with calendar notebooks followed by handwriting.  By giving the girls things to work on independently I get a chance to set up for the day.

I'm also finding the usefulness of  "homework."  When a subject (usually writing) is taking longer than I had planned for I have them put it aside until the rest of school is finished.  That way I don't have to be constantly waiting on either child before starting subjects we work together on.

We are only three days in but it is still nice not to be running behind yet!