Monday, March 26, 2018

“Insta”-replay: signs of spring

The calendar says it is spring but the weather seems unsure.

We do have some ducks in the stream by our house. So that’s one point for spring.

But then it was cold enough for snow, so that was a point against it.  But the cold weather did inspire my kids to help with dinner so I guess spring or not I can’t complain.

That was are week, hope your spring is equally enjoyable.

Friday, March 16, 2018

“Insta”-replay, remembering to use my camera

It seems like sometimes moments go by so quickly that if you don’t stop to take a picture you won’t even remember it happened.  That’s how this week went, quick, very quick!

Charry learned about volcanoes in geography and the book recommended opening a shaken can of soda to learn about the pressure build up.  She was not very eager to try it, unlike me, I thought it was a great idea.

My science class is much more tame.  I learned about ph levels with boiled cabbage water.  Although I must admit it was pretty cool to watch the liquid go from purple to blue or pink.

Besides school we have been busy with many other activities, like seeing a movie with Aunt Katie.

And going to lunch with Grandma Kelly, she had the day off so we decided to skip school for the day so we could hangout.

We also had family fun celebrating pi day (3.14). Any excuse for pi is a good excuse!

And we are customizing our own sets of dice for tenzies! The girls are much more creative than I was, they are even using metallic sharpies to color in the pips.

So those were some of the fun memories I managed to capture this week! I hope your week is memorable as well!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

“Insta”-replay: March in like a lion?

February ended with snow! A bit unusual in our neighborhood.

We had some flowers that had thought spring would be early, but no such luck.

I’m always delighted went my kids do art projects with their aunts, mostly because I don’t have to clean up afterwards.  This particular project also helped Aunt Katie since she was able to try it out before using it with 30+ preteen girls.  Since my girls had fun I think it is safe to say it will be a huge success.

We spent some time with Aunt Coral lady week!  We don’t see her often enough!  And both girls were happy to “trade ladybugs” on their phone game.

March 2nd was Seuss’s birthday so to celebrate the girls dressed their dolls in Suess inspired outfits and has a Suess themed photo shoot. My personal favorite was Thing 1 and Thing 2 with kites in the house.

And we continue to dig out old/unused games for family game night.  This particular one we played at a friend’s house a few months ago and I didn’t even realize we owned it.

Well despite February’s late snow, March has been relatively nice. So I’m not sure if “in like a lion and out like a lamb” will be accurate this year.  Hopefully at least the out like a lamb will be.