Sunday, September 29, 2013

"Insta"-replay #14 , mini mom vacation

My week started with a mini vacation!  I got to spend the day out of town while my mother-in-law did her best to follow my lesson plans.
Of course school and my kids are always on my mind so while out and about I picked up a few books for Star Wars Reads day, October 5th.
When I returned home my daughter finally managed to lose her tooth .  This particular one had needed out for a while.  The grown up tooth had already grown in completely behind it.
Our week included a trip to the library.  The kids were eager to explore the new bug themed Discovery Room.
And we finished up our Kaya unit (finger crossed I'll have a blogpost coming.). Merry created a Native American outfit for her brownie elf.

It was a busy, relaxing week!  Next week looks to be busier but not quite as relaxing, I'm looking forward to it anyways.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday's Fashionista- a world of plaid

Merry showed true fashionista skills with her layors of plaid.
Skinny plaid pants under her plaid jumper  turned out to be a perfect match.
The side ponies were the perfect touch making her outfit a fashionist success!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Whatchadoin #5, our morning routine

Our day starts with calendar time.  Besides changing up the wall labels they also use calendar time notebooks that I put together using bit and pieces of other bloggers note books, including Homeschool Creations, Mama Jenn, and Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Calendar time also includes flash card practice.  It was a good place for us to put them where they wouldn't get forgotten.
Next comes our "Daily"s, daily math and daily handwriting.
Then we do Grammar/Writing, we are using a workbook I found online that has grammar one day then writing the next.

Finally Life of Fred.  This is by far the girls favorite part of the school day.  They love reading about Fred and his adventures.  It is surprising how often they will bring up something they read in everyday conversations.

At this point "regular" school is done.  We still have half a dozen other things we like to do and study but as long as we got the basics I consider the day well done.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Insta"-replay #13, birthday fun for Charry

This week was all about pirates and birthday fun.
We did have to do school in the midst of the excitement.  My sister suggested sound blockers for my youngest.  Darling daughter was asking us to "please be quiet so she could work."  Not sure yet if they help but she likes wearing them.
Everyone got into the pirate spirit for "talk like a pirate day."  We had pirate fun with Grandma and the cousins after school.
We also had pirate fun driving around town.  I was actually surprised how few strange looks we got.
Our week ended with birthday fun.  I've been a mom for an entire decade!
Birthday girl was all smiles.  She was super excited to find a sparkly kitty ear head band.
She was also excited to see her "Pokemon Princess" birthday cake.
But her smile reached it max when she put on her new Pokemon sweatshirt from Aunt Abbie.  I'm raising a little geek.

So ended another fun week, next week we have even more excitement planned.

Monday, September 16, 2013

"Insta"-replay #12, DQ fan food

This week was spent working hard, rearranging furniture and not having much time to take pictures!
The princess Pokemon trainers my daughter painted have finally been placed on the wall.
We managed to take a break for National Chocolate Milkshake Day.
A weekend road trip brought us to another DQ for fries.  They were a much needed snack.
At the end of the road trip was family I don't see nearly enough including my cousin's adorable daughter.  
Here is a preview of Friday's fashionist: my younger daughter's bold look of plaid with plaid.

That wraps up another week!

Monday, September 9, 2013

"Insta"-replay #11, oops missed a week

So I realized I forgot my "replay" half a week too late. Rather than try to do two weeks worth here is a one picture highlight of our last week in August.
Spending a day at the lake brought back all kinds of happy childhood memories for me.

Now on to September!
No family gathering is complete without an ice cream cake from DQ and a family joke.
I got to see the new cubbie bear materials.  Even though my kids are in the older age group I still look forward to working with the littles.
Pizza with cousins was a blast.  We even tried peanut butter and jelly pizza.
The rain came down in buckets but only for one day, it has been sunny ever since.
I got to watch the creativity of my younger daughter as she put on a puppet show for the family.  It was a hoot.

That was our week, a few family gathering and some creative fun.  I've been so focused on school I forget to take pictures but hopefully I won't miss too many memories.