Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wharchadoin? #13, Charry and 6th grade

Charry has been happy to start the new school year, surprisingly so. Most of her school looks just like last year.

For History we are using book 2 All American History.  This year I decided against the workbook and instead are going to have end of unit projects.  Our first project will be a display board.  She already has ideas for dressing up dolls and which pictures she would like to print out. 

Science is also just the next book in the series, Zoology book 3, Land Animals.  This is a subject that the girls do together so I am glad it is one they both like!

Math has been a challenge for me.  She is whizzing through her Life of Fred Decimals book but still struggles with fractions.  Finding a review workbook for upper grades has proved to be a challenge.  Luckily for me Kumon has come out with "focus on" workbooks.  The short review pages seem to help.

English also has been a challenge.  I had hoped to simply print out a free grammar book from online but the page had expired, so I had to scramble to find something new.  In the end I went with "Essencials in Writing."  The program is designed to go with a video series but I wasn't ready for something that intense, so I just bought the workbook. 

Besides writing/grammar we are also using All About Spelling again this year.  So far I haven't been very consistent with the program but I'm hopeful.

The final main subject is Latin.  We are continuing to use "Latin for Children."  Charry likes the videos and the funny tunes they use to chant word ending.  This year we are focusing more on translation.

A geography workbook, handwriting practice, daily reading, typing, and online math practice wrap up our schooling.

So far she is enjoying the new school year and eagerly starts each day!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Whatchadoin? #12, starting the new school year!

I deside to take a break from my "Insta-replays" while we get into the swing of things schooling wise.  Hopefully it will be a short hiatus.  I am going back to the "Whatchadoin" school focused post, not as much fun for my relatives but I'm sure they will bear with me as long as I have pictures of the kiddos.
This is our official first week of school.  At the halfway mark things appear to be going smoothly.  We are using check lists so the girls can see what needs done each day.  
One small hiccup has been swim lessons.  I put them off until the last moment so now we are inturrupting school to drive to lessons and back each afternoon.

It's hard to tell if the afternoon break is helpful or hurtful.  The swim lessons themselves are deffinatly helpful.  We already have plans to start them at the beginning of summer next year!

  Today we worked hard to get the basics done before lessons so afterwards we could work on a project.  Using the blank books from target the girls each made a "If I were a zoologist" book.  Besides having fun drawing they had to include the different jobs we had learned about that a zoologist could do.

Officially starting the school year, that's what we're doing!