Saturday, December 29, 2018

“Insta”-replay skipping ahead to Christmas

So I have been even more lax than normal about blogging, mostly because my mind was preoccupied with school for most of the last few months.  And not the homeschooling which I love sharing but my school.  It is my final year and senior classes are hard! Then as I was finishing up my hard classes came the holidays and more distractions. So I won’t bore you with my math but I will share some of our holiday fun!

We put up our tree early, during the Thanksgiving break. It is full of memories and personal ornaments.

My mom celebrated her retirement with her entire family! It was great to see the Idahoans.

Since so many cousins were in town we had a Ward family Christmas party. My aunt Sandy showed her music teacher skills, letting the kids play along with a variety of percussion instruments while she played piano.

We seemed to spend a lot of time at shopping centers yet still forgot a few gifts, sorry.

I finally got to go to the movies with my family, last month I stayed home to work on school while they went on more than one occasion. And Mary Poppins Returns was a cute movie.

Christmas Eve at my moms was a blast, so much laughter. And Christmas crackers which are a family tradition. Merry had three crowns on at one point.

Another Christmas tradition is the girls playing Christmas songs. Honestly I don’t think they are getting any better, but I think they would if they practiced.

A Christmas tradition I hope to keep is going for a walk before eating all the goodies. And I spotted a hummingbird, although it’s kinda a blur in the picture.

My brother-inlaw and his family were in town the entire week after Christmas! We had a great time visiting, not many pictures but I had to share this one, someone knows how to spot a camera.

New years is coming, and that means new goals. One of mine is to blog more, I like being able to look back at my year.  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that the new year will inspire you to reach for a few new goals.