Thursday, January 7, 2016

Whatchadoin? Homeschooling while in school.

I love learning.  While I never really liked "school" I enjoyed almost all of my classes, even ones I didn't do well in.  So I was giddy with excitement when I returned to college last fall.

Now that my first semester is over and grades are posted, am I still excited?  Yes!  Going to school has meant rearranging our lives a bit.  Even though my classes are online they still have deadlines to meet and tasks to accomplish.  Finding time to study as well as do assignments was a bigger struggle than I expected.

 One decision I made when I signed up for college was to home-school only four days a week.  This meant longer days, covering all subjects every day. It also meant I had a free day for my school.  This has been a huge help but trying to cram a weeks work into one day was a bigger feat than I expected.  I kept my free day but also added in a few evening each week to help stay on top of things.  

I am very grateful for a husband who is supportive of both my school and the girls home-school. He has had to play taxi driver for the girls while I work on school.  And has taken a more active role around the house, getting dinners made and picking up groceries on his way home from work.

 School is not exactly what I expected, and it is definitely not easy, but I'm enjoying learning still. One of the main things I am learning is how to be a student. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

"Insta"-replay #103, happy new year

So I think this will be my last weekly replay, I'm planning on continuing monthy instead.  I love keeping family updated and looking back at what we do but the weekly format is taking too much of my time.  

Last week was the last week of 2015!  The year went out with more of a fizzle than a bang.

The boys were over, enjoying winter break.  There were many board games and imaginative play all week long!

New Years itself was a quiet affair.  Our plans didn't work out so instead we had a doll party.  The girls were good sports with the last minute change and the night in wasn't so bad after all.

I plan to replay all of January on February 1st but here is a preview picture, getting ready for 12th night!  Another dolly celebration.