Monday, September 28, 2015

"Insta"-replay #91, birthday time for Charry!

Charry has made it around the sun one more time!  It's hard to believe she is 12 already.  She had fun celebrating all over town.

She was guest of honor during Sunday school.  Mrs. Sue brought in some favorite treats and let them watch a movie (veggi tales.)

She then had a Hobbit themed party with the Walters.  The cake her Aunt Abbie made was amazing.

The final party, on her birthday was at Red Robin.  My mom got there first and made sure Charry felt extra special!

Of course the last few weeks haven't been all birthday partying.

We also had talk like a pirate day.

Online racing with Idaho cousins.

And surprise visits for Grandma Louise.

We have definitely stayed busy this September, and already October looks like it will be a full one too!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"Insta"-replay #90, new schedule

With back to school came a new schedule for us.

We had a last day with the cousins.  We of course spent it at target seeing all the new Star Wars gear.

For the rest of the week they were only around in the mornings before school.

Luckily the girls had school of their own the keep them busy.  Merry is eager to learn cursive, quite a change from before summer when I first told her it was coming.

Charry is seeming more grown up. 7th grade is a big change for her.  She's having to be more responsible for her work and will be getting graded!

Our first project day went great!  I was able to work on my school while the girls made diaramas of early natives of Oregon.
We also took our first field trip.  We saw a group at the library who played Japanese koto music, Oregon Koto Kai.  Both girls enjoyed listening and went up to ask questions afterwards.

Our week ended playing games with my sister-in-laws.  They taught us Catan Dice Game.  It was much quicker than the board game so I liked it.

It was a great week and I think I will like this new schedule!

Monday, September 7, 2015

"Insta"-replay #89, saying goodbye to summer

Summer is coming to an end and I have been negligent in my blog posting, sorry. We have been so busy these last few weeks!

Legos have been played with.
Science has been explored.
Outings with grandma have been gone on.
Superheroes have been designed.
Beach trips have been taken.
And the fair has been explored.

We are all set to start school and enjoy fall!
I've already started school, part of my excuse for neglecting the blog, returning to life as a student has been harder than I expected!  Hopefully I will stay persistent in posting.