Monday, March 30, 2015

"Insta"-replay #72, spring break

It was a fun break, we even had a little sun by the end.  The week started a bit rainy.

The girls are working on projects for co-op about the moon landing so I let them watch "A Trip to the Moon," an old silent film. 

We went to the library to get some books since it was looking like a long week indoors.

I was glad to see the sun, and so was Merry.  She gathered up her art supplies and set to work making popcicle stick puppets outside.  

My brothers, Uncle BJ and Uncle Bob, put on a mini science lesson for the kids. It was a great reason to get together and eat.

The week ended on Palm Sunday, the kids got to wave branches and yell, Hosanna!" during church.

All in all a nice relaxing week for the girls! They didn't even realize how much learning they did.

Monday, March 23, 2015

"Insta"-replay #71, spring!

We had a good week, nice weather and kids getting along.
The kids enjoyed having their DSes out more than usual.  I enjoyed having uninterrupted coffee with my mom and sister.

The girls showed their Irish pride with both green and orange.  We found out I have protestant Irish ancestors a few years ago and have been sporting orange on St. Patrick's day ever since.

I colored Merry's hair for her birthday pictures (we were a bit late this year.)  While the pink hair was fun spending an hour with hair chalk was not.  So this will probably be a one time thing.

We ended the week at my in-laws playing games and doing puzzles. Fun family time!

Next week is spring break, but it looks like a wet one, oh well.

Monday, March 16, 2015

"Insta"-replay #71,

Another week done!

Merry is coming to the end of her math book, the final in the elementary fred series.  She is doing amazingly well!  She especially likes that it is something we do together.  I like that it combines math and reading out loud, two birds with one stone.

Charry has been working at the table rather than a desk.  She tends to spread out as the day goes on, I still make her clear it off before dinner.

I enjoyed playing with my nieces and nephew while the older kids were in co-op.  They love to preform and have their pictures taken.

Pi day was 3/14/15 (3.1415).  We celebrated like the math nerds we are by having pie for dinner.

Girls enjoyed a cooking lesson with Aunt Katie, she's the best. I enjoyed eating their cooking!

We ended the week by going to a movie! Cinderella was my favorite disney movie growing up and the live action version was lots of fun.

Happy spring!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Insta"-replay #70, spring!

I know there are areas of the U.S. still dealing with snow but here in the northwest Spring has arrived! (Not sure how long it will last but enjoying it for now.)

I made a desk for Merry's doll.  Just cardboard, Popsicle sticks, and duct tape!  I was pretty proud of myself.  Merry had fun setting it up along with some dollar tree finds.

Kids have been spending afternoons outside, getting sunshine and having fun.
You can tell they are enjoying it because of the lack of fighting.

The boys got to join us at co-op Friday.  They were allowed electronical devices, making them the main attraction! (I did make them participate in the class I was teaching.)

The weekend was spent at a wedding for one of Jon's old friends.  As a complete stranger to the lovely couple I thought the wedding was very nice.  Highlights  included me being told I had nice skin by another guest and riding with my sister-in-law Katie (who is the best.)

It was a beautiful week and the weather continues to be gorgeous, hope you are enjoying your week as well!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

"Insta"-replay #69, nice typical week

Last week was a great, normal week for us.

We worked on school, made sure our dailies were done each morning.

We enjoyed getting out of the house, especially when the weather was gorgeous.  And it was gorgeous last week!

We worked on more school.  See her smiling while she reads that math book, that is why I love the "Life of Fred" series. 

Charry got crazy hair for Glow Club.  Her favorite part was the pink curls in front.

We had more school, including co-op.  I had my class make books about light as their science activity.  It was amazing, 45 minutes of quiet writing and coloring.

Merry and I finished the week with a trip to our local educational store where they were having a Seuss party.  

It was a good week, I hope yours was also!