Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years

I'm looking forward to another exciting year. My "New Years Resolution" is to blog more. Even if no one reads these it's a nice way to keep track of our ever changing lives :)

Even thought the school year starts in September I think January is when I finally get the kinks worked out. I've had all Christmas break to reflect on what has been working well and what hasn't. I'm making three big changes. One: Global Studies gets scaled down. Still one country a day but not reading as much about each country. Two: Science will take a break from the text book and focus on a unit study about the Amazon Rain Forest. While learning about South America it was obvious Charry was most interested in the animals there. Three: Literature, I realized I had focused so much on reading that now Charry is reading but I didn't know what she needed to read. Thanks to the internet I found discussion questions, activities and quizzes to go with age appropriate books.

Happy New Year

1 comment:

Mrs David W said...

I read, and am glad you are back