Friday, April 1, 2011

This week I loosened my grip on my i-pod. After all one of the ways I justified buying it was because it was "educational." So durring school time I decided to let the girls use this wonderful educational tool. Well, it does more than just educate. I've found it to be a useful tool for keeping Child #2 quiet while I try to work with Child #1. And so while Child #2 may not be getting smarter she is getting quite creative.
Right now one of her favorite things to do is make cartoon characters stand on her head. I for one am trying to encourage this, it cracks me up, and I do love a good laugh. Her "other favorite thing to do" is play fashionista with my Barbie App.

I of course also require her to use the educational apps, Star Fall recently released some that are payed apps, and putting the name star fall on them was all it took for me to shell out the dough, I had been quite content with my free apps until that point. They were definitely worth every penny, even the spendy alphabet app, which is just under $3.

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