Monday, May 11, 2015

"Insta"-replay #78, no time to say hello, good bye

This week felt like a whirl wind!

Monday was "Star Wars" day so I celebrated with a new shirt.
Then we headed home from California.  Even with limited stops we barely had time to unload before rushing to dance class.
The next day we had a good time with my friend Katie at McDonalds before hurrying to Girl Scouts.
I thought Wednesday would be calm since AWANA is over. Instead we got to meet my second cousin Caleb, who is adorable, and rush from one meeting to another.  Both grandmas were in town and I failed to get a picture of either.
Thursday was mostly spent getting ready for the last day of co-op which was Friday's big event.  I did manage to find a death star beach ball while searching for supplies.

Thank goodness for the weekend!  It was nice to sit and watch as Aunt Katie let Charry help make brownies.

As the school year winds down we tend to have extra busyness before summer break, "the storm before the calm."

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