Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"Insta"-replay #108, May Days

May was filled with the rush of "end of the school year."

It started and ended with Ward cousins, first they visited us.

Then we visited them.

In the middle was some normal routine.
Like spending time at the dance studio.

And playing video games.

There were also a plethora of special events:
Like a "sheep to shawl" day when we learned about how wool became blankets.

Seeing cosplay up close during free comic book day.

Dressing up with curls and pearls to see my mom preform in the Festival Chorale.

And visiting the school where my mom works to travel the Oregon trail with the class.

Summer is just around the corner, we are trying to hurry through the last few weeks of school.  But I don't expect life to get less busy anytime soon. 

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