Friday, May 18, 2012

Engineering Expo

My husband is weeks away from Graduating with a Bachelors in Civil Engineering.  I am very excited.  He decided to go back to school after our first child was born, now eight very long years later he is finally finishing.  Just thinking about it makes me do a happy dance.

OSU has an Engineering Expo every year so seniors can show off their hard work and the school can show perspective donors how great it is.  Jon's team was one of the teams presenting from his class.  Safe to say I was more excited than he ad the rest of the team were.   
Engineering Expos are basically school science fairs where you don't understand most of what your looking at.  We had fun walking around and making college kids try to explain there projects to grade schoolers.
The gal in the above picture did a great job getting and keeping my daughters attention, she was very animated and proud of her project.
They tried out a dance mat.
 Saw a Hedgehog.

And we got to see all kinds of ROV (remote operated vehicles)
Merry thought it was pretty cool to meet a beaver (of course, she assured me, it wasn't a real beaver, just a person in a beaver costume.  A real beaver that size would be scary.)
 Our favorite booth (besides their daddy's of course) was a tesla coil.  It's a speaker that makes sound using electricity. 
 So after a full day of engineering marvels were my kids impressed, well kinda.  Merry wants to build a robot.  Charry still wants to be a cup cake decorator, but she did have fun.

Here is another shot of us with the beaver.  Random nice thing about the day, we had multiple people offer to take pictures of us so I could be in the shots too.  

1 comment:

Kimberleah said...

I love all these pictures! It looks like you guys had an amazing time! I am so proud of Jon! and it amuses me so much that Merry wants to get into the science/engineering field. Maybe Odin will join her! I know Toby is content decorating cupcakes with Charry :)