Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Cheer

We are working hard to make "happy childhood memories" this year.  And boy is it fun!
 We went to the mall to see all the decorations (my mom was with us so I get to be in the picture).
 We took a picture in front of the "coffee tree" at Starbucks with Grandma and Aunt Coral.

 Them on St Lucia day we had our traditional Scandinavian celebration (sadly no cookies).  This year my youngest was very excited that she is the one who fits the dress.  Merry found out balancing a wreath on your head is hard.  Charry was happy to have a star head band.
 This year we decided to include a few cousins, since we were at their house.  I learned the boys get to wear cool pointed hats with stars on them, ours were more party hat size instead of wizard hat size but they didn't mind too much and a bit of tape kept the hats from falling off while we took pictures and sang a few Christmas tunes.
 It is becoming a family tradition to be a bit late getting our tree up, all the other decorations have been out since we moved (right after Thanksgiving) but the tree has been missing.  So there was lots of excitement as the tree finally made its appearance (although it will probably be replaced be a real one before Christmas.)
 The tree is a hoot, the girls decorated it all themselves and you can tell.  They grouped ornaments from the same set together (like the fairies Charry receives each year from Grandma in on section and the star wars M&M figures we each got their Dad in another.)
 As an added holiday treat Grandma came over to try out our new-to-us oven.  And thankfully it works!
 Cookies were handed out to the workers when they finished the tree.
 I did my own version of baking, I frosted little leaves on Little Debbie cakes to turn them into "Yule Logs.
 I also made some sugar cookies for the girls to frost.
The hat makes the memories more festive.
I hope everyone else is taking time to make happy memories and spread holiday cheer.

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