Friday, January 6, 2012

at least we got some schooling done

Despite our eagerness to start back on school, this week hasn't gone well.  Charry decided Monday to have a fever and Tuesday Merry decided to join her.  So Wednesday was the only real "schooling" day so far (I'm hopeful abut tomorrow.)  Now Wednesday I woke up with a "get rid of Christmas" urge.  Of course as every random, creative person knows the fist thing you need to do when taking down seasonal decor is create something new to take its place.      
 So while Charry busily worked on her school I made a valentinesy  wreath for my wall.
 She didn't have quite as much space to work as she usually does but that didn't slow either of us down.
In the end she finished her school in time to go to awana and I finished my wreath (and put away Christmas.)

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