Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Whatchadoin? #9- back to schooling

We had a nice long break for Christmas.  It was filled with family and fun!  Now we are back to the grindstone working hard to stay on schedule. 

The student planners have turned out to be a wise decision for us.  I like being able to track the girls separately.  Having two separate books also keeps them from comparing themselves to each other. 

I'm also discovering the usefulness of busy work.  Our daily routine starts with calendar notebooks followed by handwriting.  By giving the girls things to work on independently I get a chance to set up for the day.

I'm also finding the usefulness of  "homework."  When a subject (usually writing) is taking longer than I had planned for I have them put it aside until the rest of school is finished.  That way I don't have to be constantly waiting on either child before starting subjects we work together on.

We are only three days in but it is still nice not to be running behind yet!

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