Monday, January 3, 2011

new system worked well

Today was day one of my modified workbox system. Until we have $$ to invest in actual boxes I'm using envelopes. I numbered the envelopes 1-12 and wrote a different assignment in each one.
Charry seemed to like knowing how much she had to finish. And She liked knowing when she finished she would be able to play on the American Girl web site.

I'm not going to try the envelopes with Merry but when we get boxes I will set up her workbox set also. Today she got to go thru the entire alphabet on Starfall while I was working with Charry.
Then we had a proud mother/daughter moment when she read by herself for the very first time. After going thru a beginning reader "Fat Cat" I got out my letter flash cards and she worked on "at" and "an" words. Since all she had to change was the beginning sounds she was able to read the words with confidence.

My favorite lesson with Charry was counting money. I had fun switching between how much the coins added to and how many coins there were. She had no problems but was eager to move from coins to dollar bills.

1 comment:

Mrs David W said...

I love this post.
It really explains how practical your box idea is.
I love Starfall too! Thanks for recommending it. Bella has watched the letters through twice and asks me "We watch starfall now mommy?"