Thursday, July 31, 2014

2014-2015 school year: here we come!

I'm always a bit eager to start the school year.  The minute I get the school desks cleared of last years papers and projects I want to jump into this year.  That might be because I tend to leave to mess during summer break.
Last week I started prepping for the new year.  I started by setting up a bulletin board.  Next year we will be studying animals from around the world and finding out how habitats differ from place to place.  We are going to be working on our geography skills so I thought that would be a good place to start.

Adding the dolls immediately had the effect I was hoping for.  The girls started searching for what counties they were from and which continents.

We also went through our new school books.  Rather than let them see everything at once we have been going through one subject per day, it gives me a chance to see which subjects will need more mom time and which they will be able to do independently.

They are eager to start the "fun" subjects, like science, and easing into the routine seems to work better for us that ending summer break cold turkey.  

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